Sunday, February 24, 2008

the weekend wrapup

this was a great weekend. it was not that we had anything super exciting it was just overall a great weekend. on friday when i was getting devon up for school made me laugh so hard that i peed my pants. seriously, i mean just a little but i really did. i am waking devon up for school and he tells me "mommy why do you keep bothering me. don't you know i am sleeping? you always come in here and bother me trying to wake me up. thats why i am grumpy because you keep waking me up." so then i came home from droppong devon off and i slept which is not what i typically do but i had to sleep or i would break my fast. i was trying to do "the master cleanse" and i reached day five but my anxiety was through the roof. my emotions were so out of balance because i was not taking my medication. see the diet said that you can take some medications but it is not recommended because when fasting you body functions differently fasting than it does when you are eating. well i when i woke up i could definatly say that i work up on the wrong side of the bed. so i broke the fast 5 days into the 10 day cleanse. oh and the kicker to close friday, i locked my keys in my car when devon, kelli, and i were at my house. so we ended up being locked out of the house and the car. saturday devon and i went and saw "the spiderwick chronicles" it was pretty good. devon stayed interested the entire time so that means that he liked it. we came home and just lounged around the house the rest of the night. devon and i worked on some flash cards and pages in his workbook this weekend. it is nice to just lounge around the house but i have realized that devon is much more of a homebody than i am.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

i got played

devon was sick today; at least that is what he said. i came home tuesday morning and devon had his set up in the bathroom for when he is sick. when devon is not feeling well he takes a pillow and blanket to the bathroom so that he can sleep on the floor. this ensures that he makes the toilet when he is going to throw up. this morning he did have a fever at 101.4F so i let him stay home from school. i think that the fever was just a ploy to watch nick all day. devon was great he let me sleep off and on the entire day but i never really got a good amount of sleep. it seemed that as the day progressed we did at least get devon's room clean. that always seems to be a battle between us. i try to keep the philosophy of i can close his door if his room is messy. i try and pick the battles that we are going to have and a clean room is not a battle most days that i want to fight.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

it was nice to relax

it is a rare day that devon and i stay at home. it was really refreshing to have a day at home. we woke up around 9am and did not leave the house the entire day. we got to play board games and watch tv/movies. we played zooreaka, a game that devon got for chiristmas, which i have to say was a whole lot of fun. devon won but just barely. he really has a competitive streak which i hope will take him far in life. we watched basketball and disney movies. oh, and in true devon fashion as an acrobat he almost really hurt himself jumping from one couch to another. i am waiting for the first broken bone. i know that it will happen the only question is when.